#armando cosmos
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he and the baby aren’t home at 11 when I get home. No answer on the phone, I shouldn’t go anywhere maybe he went for a drive to get the baby to fall asleep.
there was a guy at the bar named seabass. He called his son the black panther. He was a nurse who held newborn babies often. I turned him onto spicy pele shots. He also got some guava cosmos. Other regulars came thru like Armando and Rosie. I’m getting a bit better with names. Jessie is bubba’s friend who has the cowboy facial hair.
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Pitch for a reboot of “Ace Attorney” (essentially a new timeline but featuring the same characters):
1) For the leads:
The game is split by three campaigns, led by defense attorneys working for Fey & Co. Law Offices, which mainly handles criminal cases (and some civil cases).
* Phoenix Wright, who is one of the firm’s founders
* Apollo Justice, who is an experienced defense attorney who recently transferred to Fey & Co after witnessing blatant corruption in the previous firm he worked for
* Athena Cykes, who just passed the California bar exam.
The other two major characters are the other two founders, Mia Fey and Diego Armando, who are romantically connected.
2) For the assistants:
* Maya Fey, Mia’s younger sister who is working as one of the firm’s paralegals/secretaries, is Phoenix’s assistant.
* Trucy Wright, Phoenix’s daughter with the nun Sister Iris Hawthorne, is Apollo’s assistant. She is a law school student who also dreams of being a professional magician.
* Simon Blackquill, a former prosecutor who decided to switch to defense and join Fey & Co, is Athena’s co-counsel (which is pretty much the assistant role). He was assigned to supervise Athena since she’s a green attorney who just passed the bar.
3) For the lead prosecutors:
* Miles Edgeworth: Los Angeles’ leading prosecutor who frequently clashes with Phoenix.
* Klavier Gavin: A veteran, confident prosecutor who clashes with Apollo.
* Rayfa Khurain: A young, up-and-coming prosecutor who clashes with Athena.
4) For the final bosses:
* Manfred von Karma: A ruthless prosecutor known for their corrupt methods
* Kristoph Gavin: Apollo’s former employer who becomes the focus of a disciplinary hearing
* Franziska Rechtsanwältin: A corporate law attorney who is hired to sue Metis Cykes (in this reboot, Franziska is not Manfred’s daughter)
5) The main campaigns:
* Phoenix’s campaign is still about defending Miles after he’s accused of murder. However, the biggest change is that Manfred von Karma is no longer the murderer. Here, he’s just a really challenging prosecutor. The focus is solely on getting Edgeworth acquitted.
* Apollo’s campaign is centered on a corruption/ethics case against his former employer, Kristoph Gavin. Instead of a big murder trial, Apollo’s finale is a disciplinary hearing in which he’s trying to convince the bar association to disbar Kristoph.
* Athena’s campaign is centered on a massive civil suit against her mother, Métis Cykes. Despite the potential conflict of interest in representing her mother, she takes the lead in a case where Métis and her robotics company, Cosmos, are sued by a rival company, PhantomTech, for copyright infringement.
6) Miscellaneous plot points:
* In case it wasn’t obvious, this version is a more grounded, realistic take on the legal profession. So, no spirit channeling and less courtroom shenanigans. Think something closer to “Better Call Saul” or “Extraordinary Attorney Woo”.
* Part of Phoenix’s campaign is a subplot in which he tries to reconnect with his ex-girlfriend Iris. Part of the reason why their relationship fell apart was that Trucy was an accident, which was strained since Iris took an oath of celibacy when she became a nun. But the two at least try to be good parents to Trucy, despite their separation.
* Mia Fey is still murdered and Maya Fey is still the main suspect. However, Phoenix is told that he can’t represent Maya due to a conflict of interest (his near-familial connection to the Fey sisters). This leads to Apollo Justice taking over the case.
* The tutorial level is Mia Fey going through a mock trial in law school. Her professor, Winston Payne, stands in as the prosecutor.
* Part of Athena’s campaign is taking Aura Blackquill’s deposition, in which she reveals some unflattering information that implies that she may have been responsible for the infringement.
* Diego Armando does not go into a coma in this version. Instead, he decides to retire after losing his passion for the law upon Mia’s death. That being said, Diego pops up every now and then to act as a mentor for all three protagonists.
#ace attorney#phoenix wright#apollo justice#athena cykes#mia fey#godot#diego armando#maya fey#trucy wright#simon blackquill#iris hawthorne#miles edgeworth#klavier gavin#rayfa padma khura'in#manfred von karma#kristoph gavin#franziska von karma#metis cykes#aura blackquill#winston payne#capcom#video game#phoenix wright ace attorney#AA#apollo justice ace attorney
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Gracias de antemano por sus comentarios Develan Monumento a Benito Juárez en El Chamizal Ciudad Juárez, Chih. - Benito Pablo Juárez García fue un hombre forjado en la sencillez y soberanía para entregar a los mexicanos un país libre, apreció y reconoció la nobleza de quienes viven en Ciudad Juárez y plasmó en esta comunidad el agradecimiento y lealtad que le caracterizaba, comentó el Alcalde Armando Cabada Alvídrez al enca... Sigue leyendo: https://www.adiario.mx/la-cantera/develan-monumento-a-benito-juarez-en-el-chamizal/?feed_id=172823&_unique_id=66e3197f701bc
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Escena a analizar.
Para la primera instancia del trabajo, analizaré la secuencia inicial de Nostalgia de la luz (2010). El film aborda a los astrónomos que miran el cosmos en el desierto de Atacama en Chile, buscando respuestas sobre el origen de la vida. Patricio Guzman, entrelaza esta línea narrativa con la de un grupo de mujeres que tamizan la arena del desierto buscando partes del cuerpo de sus seres queridos desaparecidos en la última dictadura militar.
Dicha escena está compuesta por una secuencia de planos que presentan a un telescopio fragmentado a través de planos detalle, cerrados y algunos levemente abiertos. La escena está conformada inicialmente por varios detalles del telescopio en donde lo vemos desde distintos ángulos hasta que finalmente vemos su majestuosidad en un plano entero. Acto seguido, volvemos a verlo otra vez fragmentado pero en planos estáticos, a diferencia de los anteriores que eran planos que contenían un leve movimiento a través de un paneo. Una vez que se abre la compuerta del observatorio, vemos un plano cerrado de la luna, seguido de planos detalles de la misma la cual luego se funde con la sombra de lo que pareciera ser hojas moviéndose. A continuación, pasamos a un plano abierto de una cocina en donde vemos una mesada, una ventana y una cocina siendo bañadas por la luz solar y las sombras de las hojas de un árbol moviéndose sobre ellas. Luego, pasa a planos detalles de elementos pertenecientes a la cocina, tales como platos, radios, etc. La voz en off que acompaña habla brevemente sobre el telescopio pero rápidamente el tópico cambia sobre la vida en Chile y la vida personal del director, éste menciona su afición por la astronomía y rememora varias veces la tranquilidad de Chile. Seguido de esto, se nos muestra la entrada de la casa y la imagen se funde con lo que pareciera ser polvo volando. La voz en off del director menciona que la tranquilidad de Chile estando al margen del mundo, llegó a su fin el momento en el que científicos extranjeros descubrieron que en el desierto de Atacama se pueden ver mejor las estrellas y construyeron el observatorio más grande del mundo. El realizador entrelaza este dato con el golpe de estado que sufrió Chile en manos de Pinochet y cómo se llevó la democracia, los sueños y la ciencia. Al decir esto último, el plano se abre y vemos lo que pareciera ser un taller del observatorio compuesto por un piso cubierto de tierra, herramientas y las partículas de la tierra siendo visibles en el aire gracias a la luz solar que ingresa en el plano. La secuencia termina con un plano general del taller, podemos observar como la imagen previa se funde con estas partículas que vuelan y se pasa a la siguiente secuencia.
El director nos presenta, a través de planos cerrados, detalles y fragmentos, una realidad que explora a través del movimiento dentro del plano o el movimiento de la cámara, buscando de esta manera explorar la plasticidad y la forma que éste busca crear y crea en la mente del espectador. Así mismo, luego de explorar las plasticidades, el director decide abrir el plano y mostrarnos “la imagen completa” de lo que vimos previamente, dándonos así ese contexto más mundano que sostiene esas particularidades. Además, de que a través de la sutileza, los detalles y la delicadeza, va tejiendo una narrativa que inicialmente no parece tener tanta relación en torno a la temática de la dictadura pero es a través de esta secuencia de detalles, tanto en los planos como en la voz en off, que va armando toda la línea narrativa que te lleva, casi que sin que te des cuenta, al tema central.
Producción del proyecto.
Recordar para no olvidar, es un cortometraje documental que está planteado desde una perspectiva poética en dónde se busca retomar anécdotas y situaciones que acontecieron durante la época de la última dictadura militar.
En términos visuales, se plantea que a través de un conjunto de imágenes cotidianas, se pueda visualizar un día recorriendo la ciudad de La Plata. El proyecto todavía está encontrando su forma pero en este trabajo me interesaba ahondar en la plasticidad de la imagen y sus formas, cómo podemos desarticular un espacio conocido y volver a articularlo.
Relacionándolo con esto último, estructuralmente, el proyecto se articula usando como marco de recorte el concepto de un día recorriendo la ciudad. El objetivo es capturar lo cotidiano, el movimiento, edificios, autos, plazas, calles, la gente, etc. y poder crear una capa de sentido que plantee profundidad y poética.
Siguiendo la línea visual, se plantea el uso del contraluz como recurso para capturar a las personas en la calle, ya que no se encuentra dentro de la búsqueda plasmar sus caras. Así mismo, haré uso del recurso al momento de capturar algunos edificios. Por otra parte, en términos de la textura en la imágen, me interesa explorar el ruido en la misma. Me incomoda visualmente las imágenes que contienen una gran definición y considero que jugar con la textura de la misma le agrega una capa visual más amena y en relación con la narratividad del cortometraje.
Por otro lado, en términos del diseño sonoro, planteo el uso de la voz en off para capturar las anécdotas. Me interesa explorar cómo siente el espectador las voces en off sin tener la imagen de la persona que habla. Es decir, ¿qué cercanía se produce cuando el cuerpo que habla no se observa y nos relata hechos compuestos por detalles?.
Así mismo, el diseño sonoro estará compuesto también por el sonido ambiente, el cual no busca ser un fiel reflejo de la imagen sino que la búsqueda es ampliar las posibilidades y jugar con los sonidos e imágenes.
Por otra parte, en términos de producción, he creado una convocatoria a través de redes sociales con el objetivo de recolectar más hechos anecdóticos que hayan tomado lugar durante la dictadura. El objetivo es focalizar en los detalles, encontrar historias que a través de un hecho particular denotan el contexto de la dictadura. Cómo mencioné anteriormente, el objetivo es centrarnos en la voz de la persona que relata. Lo ideal es poder centrarnos en la forma en la que cuenta los hechos, si le tiembla la voz, si se filtran tintes de angustia, si no tiene interiorizado el peso de lo que cuenta, etc.
En términos de financiamiento, la idea es apuntar a festivales o becas que acepten proyectos que se encuentren en el estadio del work in progress. Igualmente, con mi productor, estamos gestionando y planteando diversas estrategias para poder solventar el proyecto.
Link: https://youtu.be/lBByKO2JkQI?si=sL0TsifMClvgX_UR
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Un eclipse solar como catalizador para la introspección y la acción: Un análisis desde una perspectiva holística
8 de abril año 2024
Por: Armando Melendez periodista bien dateado
El 8 de abril de 2024, se producirá un eclipse solar de magnitud considerable, el cual representa una oportunidad única para la reflexión individual y colectiva. Este evento astronómico, más allá de su fascinante espectáculo visual, invita a una profunda introspección y a la adopción de una perspectiva global sobre los acontecimientos venideros.
Conexión con la naturaleza divina y la consciencia universal:
Un eclipse solar no se limita a un mero evento astronómico. Constituye una ocasión propicia para conectar con la vastedad del universo, ponderando nuestro presente y vislumbrando el futuro. Es un momento para recordar nuestra interconexión con el cosmos, reconociéndonos como piezas fundamentales dentro de su intrincada dinámica. La oscuridad temporal que envuelve la Tierra durante un eclipse solar nos recuerda la fragilidad de la vida y la omnipotencia de la naturaleza. Se configura como un espacio para la conexión con nuestro lado espiritual, la meditación y la búsqueda de paz interior. Es una oportunidad para expresar gratitud hacia la Tierra por su generosidad y comprometerse con su cuidado y protección.
Interpretación de los próximos acontecimientos y análisis del futuro:
Los eclipses solares han sido interpretados por diversas culturas como presagios de cambios relevantes. Si bien no se puede predecir con exactitud el futuro, este evento celestial nos invita a reflexionar sobre los desafíos y oportunidades que se avecinan. Es un momento para abrir nuestra mente a nuevas posibilidades y prepararnos para afrontar los cambios con sabiduría y resiliencia.
El eclipse solar del 8 de abril nos recuerda nuestra interconexión como comunidad global, compartiendo un mismo destino. Es un momento para unirnos, trabajar en conjunto y construir un futuro más próspero para todos. Se configura como un llamado a la acción para proteger nuestro planeta, promover la paz y la armonía, y construir un mundo más justo y sostenible.
Aprovechemos este evento celestial para elevar nuestra consciencia, conectar con la naturaleza divina y contribuir a la construcción de un futuro más promisorio para la humanidad.
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Sessão para entrega de Comenda ao irmão José David Kerbauy Loja Maçônica Cosmos n 10, GOP/SP - COMAB , São José do Rio Preto/SP 104 anos de idade e 75 de maçonaria, ainda está forte no canteiro de obras Provavelmente o maçom mais antigo do Brasil Presentes ainda estavam nosso Irmão Vandir Aniceto, Secretário para Assuntos Internos GOBSP, Coordenador da 7a Macro Região, é nosso irmão José Armando Greghi, representando nosso GOB https://www.diariodaregiao.com.br/cidades/obreiro-de-rio-preto-e-homenageado-pela-maconaria-aos-104-anos-1.1047804 #gob #gobsp #gop #comab #maconaria #maçonariabrasileira #maconariasp #fraternidade #irmandade (em Sociedade Maconica Loja Cosmos) https://www.instagram.com/p/Coh5O84OKQZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Our Silver City, 2094
This exhibition is set in Nottingham in 2094, well previously known as Nottingham as there was a fire in 2068 and Ice-age in 2071.
The exhibition is separated into 5 sections; artefacts (East), space (South), temples (West), messages for the future and weather (North).
Section 1: East
The East is full of Artefacts ranging from c.1800s (A confirmed date for another piece is 1904)- 2021. These would all be created when the Silver City was called Nottingham.
Nicola L, c.1976. Courtesy of Alison Jacques, London and Nicola L collection and Archive.
Made from ink, cotton and wood.
I really like this piece of work, it's quite quirky and draws a lot of attention as soon as you walk into the gallery even though it is all the way in the back slightly hidden by other works. I'm not sure why it stands out so much, perhaps it's because it gives a similar vibe to Cassandra from Doctor Who, or the fact that it gives the visceral feelings of either terror or wanting to wear it.
Nov. 8, 1989
On Kawara, 1989 (owned by a private collection in Derbyshire)
Liquitex on canvas
I don't like this. I just thinks it's very simple and can be made very easily over and over again. I decided to research the artist On Kawara where it seems that his date paintings often has some kind of significant date of history on the date however I couldn't find anything that happened in November and all the art looks the same.
Section 2: South
This part of the gallery is called 'Time to Understand'. This is featuring ways people work with textiles. In with coloursmiths in the '2070s' start experimenting with light and pigments thus creating new techniques. This gallery also features objects from another planet/solar system.
Reflective Aural Study
Céline Condorelli, 2021, Courtesy of the artist, commissioned by Nottingham Contemporay
Vegetable dye on Cotton
This was an interesting piece of work as when you walk into the gallery it is right above you head so you immediately notice it, although I suppose it does help as it is quite big. The pattern on the fabric looks like it is the surface of another planet (like Mars).
Air Rights 7
Agnieszka Kurant, Courtesy of the artist and Tanya Bonakdar Gallery (NY/LA)
Powered stone, foam, wood, electromagnets, custom plinth
This work was quite cool as it looks like a floating rock which you can even put your hand both below and above the 'rock'. This art piece was featured because of the slight space theme of this part of the gallery.
Section 3: West
'Time for Inner knowledge' is a temple part of the gallery where you have to take off your shoes to walk around.
The room is built to look like it's a temple with all the work display in a circular way in the room with bean bags in the middle.
More Matter, Less Art
Charlotte Johannesson, 2018, courtesy of the artist and Hollybush Gardens (London)
Acrylic on canvas with organic matter
I thought this was an interesting piece of work as it all one colour however organic objects are used and attached onto the canvas to create texture and shadows. I'm not really fond of the colour used however I think the colour makes this almost look like a clay slate sculpture.
Sheltering the Future
Armando D. Cosmos, 2019, courtesy of the artist
Woven tapestry
I like this artwork because it's showing a very futuristic looking design of architecture displayed on what is a generally old method of creating work, tapestry.
Section 4: North
This section is called 'Time to Transmit Wisdom' and is about predicting the weather. It has a lot of lines with symbols either end in which you put a stone and speakers covered in sticks which plays a pre-recorded voice of a children from Nottingham talking which is meant to be a radio playing.
Wet Spells
Femke Herregraven, 2021, courtesy of the artist, commissioned by Nottingham Contemporary with support of Mondriaan Fund
I like how this work is interactive in which you can kind of predict the future, however the idea behind this is quite confusing and hard to understand how it works.
I do quite like this exhibition. The concept behind it is really unique where you are basically seeing the future even though you are in the 'past'. My favourite section was the temple one as they built a whole set and made it so you had to take off your shoes thus creating a believable atmosphere and place where it really does come off as a temple. Another part I like which isn't included in the galleries is a massive wall in/next to the shop where you can add you own drawings, almost like creating a wall of messages towards the future (although most were memes and drawings) which shows what our culture is like at the moment.
#céline condorelli#nottingham contemporary#on kawara#nichola l#photoraphy#gallery#exhibition#Agnieszka Kurant#Charlotte johannesson#Armando d cosmos#armando cosmos#femke herregraven
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
August 22nd - Darwin
Armando Muñoz’s Mutant abilities and attributes were evident from birth. As a child, he came to realize his powers enables him to survive in any element and under any condition. His physique is in a constant state of evolving, always best adjusting to factors in his environment.
Under the alias of ‘Darwin’ Armando was recruited by Moira MacTaggert as part of a secondary team of X-Men tasked with rescuing the original team after they had become lost on the living island of Krakoa. This second team fared poorly in their mission and were all apparently killed. Darwin, however, managed to survive by becoming a sentient energy. He was rescued and revived years later by a new team of X-Men and soon thereafter joined the X-Men in a mission that took them to the cosmos where they became involved in the War of Kings/Realm of Kings events.
Upon returning home, Darwin stepped away from the X-men and served instead as a member of Jaimie Maddrox’s X-Factor Investigations firm. During this time, Darwin developed a crush on his teammate, Monet, but was too shy to tell her about his feelings.
An adventure with X-Factor saw the team facing off against Hela the Asgardian deity of the underworld. Darwin received from Hela her alleged ‘death touch’ and the process through which his powers adjusted to endure the assault caused him to absorb and take on Hela’s powers. He had a hard time coping with the experience and he left the team and endured a prophetic hallucination where he came to believe that he must kill the werewolf lord, Tier, in order to prevent a war between hell and earth.
Compelled by forces beyond his understanding, Darwin continued to track Tier to New York, leading to altercations with The Werewolf by Night as well as Darwin’s former allies amongst X-Factor. Darwin discovered that Tier is Wolfsbane’s son and he was unable to bring himself to kill him. All this precipitated the Hell on Earth War event and Darwin fought side by side with X-Factor to fend off the Hell Lords.
Following these events, Darwin was separated from the others and traveled back to Las Vegas to find Hela so to try to force her to fix him. While searching for Hela, Darwin encountered a recently resurrected Monet. The pair had a one-night stand. Afterward, Hela found Darwin, but he refused her help.
To what extent Darwin has been able to free himself from the effects of having absorbed Hela’s powers remains to be seen. Darwin has recently relocated to the Mutant nation of Krakoa from where he has embarked on a mission to learn the secrets of the Children of The Vault.
A version of Darwin featured in the Fox Films move, X-Men: First Class where his character was portrayed by actor Edi Gathegi. The hero first appeared in the pages of X-Men: Deadly Genesis #2 (2005).
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Mirar el cielo como fuente inagotable de misterio y cavilación ¿A qué viene colocarnos en un pequeño planeta perdido en un rincón de una inmensa galaxia, que es solo una más entre miles de millones? ¿Dios?¿El azar? Somos una pequeña mota de existencia no solo en el espacio, sino también en el tiempo, ¿qué es una vida humana sino menos que una gota en este océano de vacío? Imaginar que cuando la eternidad parpadea suceden todas las alegrías y desdichas de los hombres; frustración por pensar en la posibilidad de la nimiedad, en una dimensión que nos atrapa, en un ego anhelando ser eterno.
Armando Castañeda
#Armando Castañeda#literatura#Poesía#psicologia#psicología#universo#cosmos#Carl Sagan#stephen hawking#breve historia del tiempo#vacío#frases#México#poesía mexicana
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Here are a couple guesses
Do i need to keep going because I can
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Storia Di Musica #185 - Santana, Lotus, 1975
Il viaggio nei dischi memorabili registrati in Giappone oggi fa tappa a Osaka, che durante gli anni ‘70 nel suo Festival Hall fu sede di importantissimi concerti rock e non solo, basta ricordare i due mitici che tenne Miles Davis il primo Febbraio del 1975, i quali divennero poi due dei suoi più fantasiosi dischi, Agharta (lo show del pomeriggio) e Pangaea (quello della sera). Il concerto di oggi invece si tenne all’Osaka Kōsei Nenkin Kaikan, un meraviglioso teatro di 2400 posti. A suonare quella sera era un’artista che stava promuovendo il suo ultimo disco, Caravanserai, scritto dopo un periodo di rinascita in India con gli insegnamenti del Maharishi Mahesh Yogi sulla meditazione trascendentale, che gli riaprirono la mente e il cuore. Questo artista è il superbo chitarrista Carlos Santana. Caravanserai (del 1972) e il successivo Welcome (1973) segnano la strada intrapresa dal musicista messicano verso una musica che fonda rock, jazz e i ritmi latini: per questo amplia la formazione a molti più elementi e firma i dischi a nome Santana, come se fosse una band. In quel tour lo accompagnano musicisti d’eccezione come Leon Thomas (maracas), Tom Coster (organo Hammond, piano elettronico,) e Richard Kermode (agli stessi strumenti per un muro sonoro portentoso), Doug Rauch (basso), Armando Peraza (congas, e bongos), il leggendario José "Chepito" Areas (funanbolico percussionista) e Michael Shrieve (batteria). La sintonia tra i musicisti è eccezionale e Santana è in stato di grazia, dato che nei due album precedenti scrisse alcuni dei suoi brani migliori, destinati a diventare dei classici senza tempo. In più nel 1973 Santana collaborò in un album con un altro mitico chitarrista, l’inglese John McLaughlin, Love Devotion Surrender il titolo, dove potè esplorare fino in fondo la jazz fusion che l’inglese con la Mahavishnu Orchestra stava proponendo per il mondo. Il Disco racchiude solo una parte delle fluviali esibizioni del 3 e 4 Luglio del 1973: furono raccolte dalla Sony, consorziata con la Columbia, in un triplo disco che nel 1974 uscì solo in Giappone, ma vista la bellezza del materiale e il successo nel 1975 fu distribuito in Europa e importato negli Stati Uniti, dove ufficialmente fu pubblicato solo nel 1991 in un doppio cd. In tutto sono 121 minuti di musica eccezionale, dove Santana pesca dal suo repertorio, da una formidabile scelta di cover e soprattutto improvvisa in brani che per anche 10 minuti spaziano nel cosmo jazz rock come pochi potevano fare a quei tempi. Non mancano le sue canzoni mito: Black Magic Woman di Peter Green, Gypsy Queen, Oye Como Va di Tito Puente e la magica e inimitabile Samba Pa Ti dal favoloso album Abraxas, dai dischi più recenti le meravigliose Yours Is The Light e Mantra da Welcome e Every Step Of the Way e Stone Flower, omaggio a Antonio Carlos Jobim, da Caravanserai. A ciò si aggiungono una cover di Goin’ Home di McLaughlin, Xibaba (She-Ba-Ba) di Airto Moreira mai registrata in precedenza, Free Angela di Todd Cochran. E poi nuove tracce che più che altro sono momenti jam session di improvvisazione dove le creazioni sonore, guidate dalla fluida e magica chitarra di Santana, che diventerà una delle icone del rock, e la meravigliosa potenza percussiva: si pensi al funk di A-1 Funk, alla meravigliosa e breve Batukada, alle due sezioni di Castillos De Arena (tra cui autori spicca Chick Corea) che infiammano il pubblico giapponese, fino all’assolo infinito alla batteria di Shrieve in Kyoto. Del disco verranno poi ripubblicate varie versioni, tra cui una portentosa versione giapponese in triplo Super Cd che aggiunge altre tracce per un totale di 158 minuti di musica. Il disco non farà che consolidare la magia della sua musica e soprattutto della sua chitarra, amata sia dal pubblico sia dai suoi grandi ammiratori, tra cui lo stesso Eric Clapton che dirà:” se dobbiamo parlare di singole emozioni sprigionate da una chitarra, Carlos è senza dubbio il numero uno”.
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WE-TRIPANTU Ancestral y ContemporáneoLa ceremonia de acompañamiento de renovación de los ciclos naturales o We-Tripantu data de miles de años, pues responde a la lógica y normativa de la naturaleza y del cosmos, a través del cual los primeros Mapuche asumieron y adaptaron su vida individual y colectiva. No obstante, en la actualidad encontramos dos tipos o formas de conmemorar el We-Tripantu en el mundo ancestral Mapuche.Por Armando Marileo Lefio-Ngenpin1.- #WE_TRIPANTUANCESTRAL:En primer lugar será necesario saber cómo se determinaba o definía el día del we-tripantu en tiempos ancestrales:El método más efectivo que tuvieron nuestros abuelos en la definición del día del we-tripantu es el diseño, estructuración, ubicación y construcción de su Ruka; con un fogón en el centro y la puerta principal orientada hacia la salida del sol, determinaban y controlaba el tiempo y el movimiento de éste durante el transcurso del año.Es decir, el fogón, la puerta principal y un tronco o palo situado frente a la puerta, definirá o marcará el movimiento del día, las constelaciones, el sol, la luna y el tiempo, es decir, éstos símbolos marcarán los días e indicarán el recorrido o movimiento del sol y los ciclos naturales pukemngen (tiempo de lluvias), pewüngen (tiempo o época de brotes), walüng (tiempo de abundancia) rimü (tiempo de descanso o zambullidas) y con ello se determinará el día exacto del we-tripantu.Desde el punto de referencia se apreciaba el inicio del recorrido que realizaba el sol a partir el día del we-tripantu, comenzando éste a moverse desde el Puel-pikumapu (noreste) hacia el Puel-willimapu, (sureste) vice/versa. En ése recorrido se dice que el sol debe compenetrarse o conectarse con el fogón ubicado en el centro de la ruka, además los rayos no deben tener ningún impedimento en su viaje o recorrido que realiza cada día y durante las trece lunas del año.Otros de los factores determinantes del we-tripantu son las trece lunas del año, todas las cuales tienen sus propios nombres y cada una representan la época en que le corresponde hacerse presentes. La luna que marca el inicio del nuevo año se les conoce como trufken-küyen, luna gris o luna de las cenizas, correspondiente al pukem. Por tanto ya asomado o nacido el trufken küyen comienzan los preparativos para la ceremonia de inicio de renovación de la vida o we-tripantu.Actualmente se habla también de un conjunto de estrellas llamadas Ngaupoñi las que al acercarse el we-tripantu desaparecerán por el poniente, lafkenmapu o ngülumapu, asomándose en la madrugada hacia el oriente, unos días antes de producirse el nacimiento de la nueva vida en la naturaleza.Asimismo se sabe con certeza que el día del we-tripantu, existe una única madrugada del año en que las aguas de los ríos, vertientes, lagos, esteros y otros entran en un proceso o cambios de temperaturas provocado por el movimiento de la tierra o re-acomodación de éste que inicia el regreso o el recorrido por el universo, completándose en el próximo año nuevo o we-tripantu. Ese día emergen desde las profundidades de la tierra, aguas calientes a través de las vertientes los cuales permiten que las personas puedan bañarse en la madrugada, (epewun o amanecer).¿En qué consiste la ceremonia del We Tripantu?El We-tripantu consiste en participar juntos con la naturaleza en la renovación y emergencias de nuevas vidas. Es decir, el che (humano) siendo uno de los componentes de ella hace suyo y participa junto a su familia e invitados en ésta ceremonia de renovación de la vida. Es así que con antelación reúne diversos tipos de alimentos para el misawün o convivencia que llevará a cabo con sus invitados, familias y miembros de la naturaleza. También podrá realizar un konchotun (en el que con otras familias amigas se visitarán y compartirán dicho acontecimiento), O quizás una ceremonia llevada a cabo por los abuelos, en el que le colocarán su nombre a un nieto o un niño pequeño y eso es motivo de festejo, en fin motivos hay muchas.Las familias invitadas acuden a la Ruca anfitriona al atardecer del día anterior del inicio del nuevo ciclo, con su yewün (aportes en alimentos y sus presentes). Durante la noche se conversan temas relativos a historias, hechos relevantes del quehacer mapuche y otros relatan epeu, ayekan, ül, weupin, koneu, tambien se realizan danzas ceremoniales en torno al fogón, se juega al awarkuden entre otras entretenciones. Mientras las mamás, hermanas, abuelitas preparan mültrün, kako, rüngalkofke, müllokiñ, mudai, y comienza la celebración.En la madrugada o epewun se invita a todos a bañarse en las vertientes, ríos, lagunas o mar, para recibir las primeras aguas que les permitirá purificar su cuerpo y su espíritu, ya que todos los mapuche deben esperar el we tripantu, muy fortalecido para que el ciclo venidero favorezca en su vida personal, familiar y colectivo. Se retorna a la Ruka antes de que asome el sol, se inicia la ceremonia de purificación o limpieza danzando en torno a la ruka conforme a como se mueve el sol en éste hemisferio, se tocan instrumentos, se realiza llellipun, consistente en una ceremonia de conexión e interrelación con los espíritus de la naturaleza, los antepasados, el universo para agradecerle por la finalización de un ciclo de vida y permitir recibir el siguiente. Este se realiza antes de que el sol se asome en el puelmapu.Luego se comparten los alimentos preparados para la ocasión, mas tarde se participa en eventos preparadas por la comunidad, palin, awarkuden, ñiwülün, lonkotun, aukankantun,, además ocasión propicia para hacer katan pilun (perforación de las orejitas a las niñitas), entre otras actividades.En el momento que aparece el sol, se ha dado paso a una nueva vida, en la tierra y naturaleza; se ha producido un renovado encuentro con todos los actores del mundo mapuche, se ha dado paso a una nueva relación y vínculo con los espíritus creadores y de los antepasados, así se inicia una vez mas una nueva vida en la familia mapuche y en la madre naturaleza.2.- #WE_TRIPANTUCONTEMPORÁNEO:Esta celebración probablemente (hasta los 50, 60, 70 años hacia atrás) se realizaba en forma más protocolar, privada y con profundo respeto en la que se convocaba e invitaba a las familias más cercanas y aquellas pertenecientes principalmente en la línea materna, cheche o chezki, chuchu, weku, abuelos, abuelas y tíos maternos, asimismo a los sobrinos, primos y otros; ocasionalmente familias y amistades del sector o territorio, con la finalidad de realizar misawün, konchotun, lakutun, katan pilun, entre otros, preparados para la ocasión.Lo anterior todo cambió en las familias y comunidades de todo el territorio mapuche, cuando se inicia la imposición del mundo occidental, a través de la escuela, el cristianismo y la fiesta de San Juan Bautista en particular, (uno primero que otro). Cuando nos dimos cuenta estábamos celebrando la fiesta de San Juan y rezando el Padre Nuestro. Nuestro We-tripantu había sido reemplazado por costumbres populares de verse la suerte la noche del 24 de junio, colocar tintas en un papel, pelar papas, poner los pies en un recipiente con aguas y mirarse al espejo, engordar y matar chanchitos para celebrar algún hijo o hija que llevara el nombre de Juan o Juanita, entre otros.En éste y en otros aspectos de nuestro ser mapuche fuimos intervenidos todos por igual. Así comienza nuestra confusión, el sincretismo, la mezcla, el empobrecimiento espiritual, económico, de identidad entre otros.Afortunadamente esta fecha se ha ido recuperando paulatinamente, hemos pasado en celebrar el año nuevo del 1 de enero como única fecha con bombo y platillo y con el correr del tiempo con apoyo de las nuevas generaciones de jóvenes mapuche hemos podido rescatar en parte la celebración del we-tripantu. Justamente éste parte por ahí por los años ´86 desde el grupo de teatro de la organización Ad-Mapu de ese entonces.Sin embargo hoy ya estamos entrando a una época muy distinta y muy complicada y luego vendrán otras y otras más, mientras tanto no hemos sido capaces de recuperar nuestra propia forma de expresar nuestra espiritualidad y el we-tripantu más original, el mapudungun entre otros. La influencia que ha tenido y tienen las religiones y cultura winka sobre la nuestra ha sido más potente de lo que pudiéramos pensar.Es así que en la actualidad tanto en las esferas mapuche y winka, la celebración del we-tripantu continúa acomodándose y acercándose a la celebración popular occidental, aunque en la programación previa y en los discursos conmemorativos se reivindica el we-tripantu de los antepasados, sin embargo éste está lejos de ser ceremonial, ancestral y original, pues hoy las celebraciones son similares a la fiestas del año nuevo del 1 de enero (del calendario occidental) e incluso son más folklóricas aún, especialmente aquellas promovidas por los organismos de estado, también organizadas y celebradas por algunas comunidades. En éstas están incluidas también las que se organizan y realizan en las ciudades.Las instituciones antes mencionadas funcionan en forma paternalistas, ofreciendo recursos económicos e impulsando la realización de we-tripantu en las comunidades rurales y urbanas mapuche, mediante pequeños incentivos o proyectos al que se debe presentar un programa detallado de actividades para ser acreedores de aquellos recursos.Lo anterior es tan contradictorio pues el we-tripantu se da en forma natural, es una celebración o ceremonia de regocijo de los hijos de la tierra, plantas, animales, insectos, aves, personas con la naturaleza, es decir, el che (humano) es un invitado que se entremezcla con los demás y acompaña la madre naturaleza en su fiesta, en su alegría en el regreso de la vida de sus hijos, en esa medida y entendimiento es deber de cada ser humano de todos aquellos que cohabitan nuestros territorios ancestrales y principalmente mapuche a participar en ese festejo, de la forma más natural aportando con lo suyo, con lo propio y no esperar proyectos o beneficios provenientes de organismos estatales o privadas que lo único que hacen es hacer del mapuche un ser más dependiente aún.Así también en la actualidad muchos colegios e instituciones y hasta agrupaciones mapuche, quizás por desconocimiento o por la pérdida real del significado y sentido que tiene este acontecimiento han cometido graves errores, al realizar celebraciones o conmemoraciones del we-tripantu que se aleja del verdadero sentido de este, que es la de acompañar y ser participe en el regocijo del nuevo despertar de la vida en la naturaleza, asumido culturalmente por nuestros antepasados. Como consecuencia de lo anterior es que el we-tripantu se ha ido paulatinamente transformando en una fiesta meramente social y en algunos casos políticos. También ha habido folklorización de esta fiesta sagrada por decir lo menos.Otra de las falencias es que hoy se celebra el we-tripantu en tiempos reducidos, una mañana, un rato en el día, mientras tanto en estricto rigor este debería comenzar al atardecer del día antes, terminando al atardecer del día del we-tripantu cumpliendo de esa forma la ley natural, completar el circulo y despedir la noche del año que se va y recibir el inicio de la noche o madrugada del año nuevo, wüñoi y we-tripantu respectivamente, concluyendo con actividades colectivas. Pues la ceremonia del we-tripantu es familiar, eso significa que paulatinamente debemos retornar a la familia para fortalecernos con ellos en el día más relevante de los amaneceres que es el día del we-tripantu. #MANGEL / INVITACION:Invitamos a todos los habitantes del hemisferio Sur a hacer suyo éste we-tripantu (año nuevo), más real y en concordancia con las normas naturales. Hacer de ella un punto de referencia para el reencuentro con la vida en coexistencia con la tierra, naturaleza, los espíritus y el tiempo. Pues ésta fecha que marca la renovación de los ciclos naturales en éste hemisferio no es propiedad de una u otra cultura, sino nos pertenece a todos aquellos seres que nacimos y cohabitamos en esta parte del planeta, humanos, animales, árboles, ríos, aves, insectos, océanos, entre otros.Küme ayiukonpape tüfachi We-tripantu (Que comience con alegría este nuevo año)ARMANDO MARILEO LEFIO - Ngenpin (Autoridad Ancestral) - Director Mapuche UniversidadIMAGEN Libro "Wenu Mapu" astronomía y cosmología mapuche
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Ace Attorney Character Ages - 2020
*SPOILER WARNING (particularly for 3-5, 4-4, AAI case 5, 5-3, and some others)
0 (born this year): Clonco
1: Ahlbi Ur’gaid
4: Armie Buff
6/7: Rayfa Padma Khura’in
8: Machi Tobaye, Jinxie Tenma
9/10: Trucy Wright/Trucy Enigmar
10: Myriam Scuttlebutt
10/11: Cody Hackins, Pearl Fey
11: Athena Cykes, Betty de Famme, Bonny de Famme, Juniper Woods, Robin Newman
12: Bucky Whet
13: Ellen Wyatt, Rheel Neh’mu/Puhray Zeh’lot, Vera Misham, Wocky Kitaki
14: John Marsh, Marlon Rimes
15: Alita Tiala, Luke Triton, Olga Orly, Sasha Buckler
16: Azura Summers, Clay Terran, Sorin Sprocket, Wesley Stickler
16/17: Apollo Justice
17: Dumas Gloomsbury, Nahyuta Sahdmadhi
17/18: Paul Atishon
18: Cameron Show, Daryan Crescend, Hugh O’Conner, Pierce Nichody, Russi Clover, Selena Sprocket
18/19: Kay Faraday, Klavier Gavin, Regina Berry, Sebastian Debeste
19: Ema Skye
20: Candice Arme, Espella Cantabella, Gale Cyclone, Uendo Toneido
20/21: Franziska von Karma, Lauren Paups/Lauren Devorae, Maya Fey
21: Lira Wolfe, Simon Blackquill
21/22: Nicole Swift, Penny Nichols
22: Darklaw/Eve Belduke, Manov Mistree
22/23: Lance Amano
23: Beh’leeb Inmee, Luna Marsh
23/24: Ini Miney, Juan Corrida, Karin Jenson, Matt Engarde, Max Galactica/Billy Bob Johns
24: Julie Henson, Paht Rohl
24/25: Bat/Sean Dingling, Desirée DeLite, Maggey Byrde, Richard Wellington, Ron DeLite
25: Eddie Johnson, Emi St. Cloud
25/26: Adrian Andrews, Cammy Meele, Cindy Stone, Horace Knightley, Lotta Hart, Mike Meekins, Rhoda Teneiro, Simon Keyes
26: Bobby Fulbright, Florent L’Belle, Geiru Toneido, Solomon Starbuck
26/27: April May, Dahlia Hawthorne, Iris, Kristoph Gavin, Larry Butz, Viola Cadaverini, Will Powers
27: Flip Chambers, Kara Giamani, Roger Retinz, Shawn Southern
27/28: Justine Courtney, Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright
28: Kevin Hattori, Pees’lubn Andistan’dhin
28/29: Acro/Ken Dingling, Doug Swallow, Shi-Long Lang
29: Brock Johnson, Norma DePlume, Romein LeTouse
29/30: Akbey Hicks, Bellboy, Glen Elg
30: Aura Blackquill, Ava Sylent, Iris Suffield, Milt Nelson, Risa Iko, Spark Brushel
30/31: Buddy Faith, Calisto Yew/Shih-na, Jacques Portsman, Ka-Shi Nou, Mia Fey, Valerie Hawthorne
31: All-purpose Tengu, Milo Kent, Samuel Stylent
32: Neil Marshall, Todd Havara
32/33: Dustin Prince, Jay Elbird, Lana Skye, Manny Coachen, Terry Fawles
33: Buck Montana, Herman Crab, Princess Tengu
33/34: Benjamin Woodman, Dick Gumshoe
34: Lamiroir/Thalassa Gramarye, Power Tengu, Tahrust Inmee
34/35: Angel Starr, Godot/Diego Armando, Jill Crane
35: Clive Fortuna, Ga’ran Sigatar Khura’in, Ted Tonate
35/36: Katherine Hall, Luke Atmey, Sal Manella
36: Amara Sigatar Khura’in, Arnold Balboa, Casper Sly, Plum Kitaki
36/37: Ethan Rooke, Jake Marshall
37: Bobby Wolfe, Cullen Underhill, Dhurke Sahdmadhi
37/38: Dee Vasquez, Turner Grey
38: Aristotle Means, Damian Tenma, Datz Are’bal, Inga Karkhuul Khura’in, Raymond Shields, Valant Gramarye
38/39: Colias Palaeno, Patricia Roland
39: Hershel Layton, Karl Powers, Rex Kyubi
39/40: Bruce Goodman, Raymond Spume
40: Charles Toynbee, Constance Courte, Guy Eldoon, Pal Meraktis
40/41: Jean Armstrong
41: Jack Hammer, Mack Rell, Theridia Wolfe, Zak Gramarye/Shadi Enigmar
42: Tucker Toynbee
43: Bright Bonds, Henry Biden, Phineas Filch, Redd White, Robin Wolfe
43/44: Furio Tigre
44: Brodie Toynbee, Tony Granier
44/45: Jack Cameron
46: Drew Misham
46/47: Joe Darke
47: Hope Aubergine
48/47: Frank Sahwit
48: Gaspen Payne
48/49: Moe/Lawrence Curls
49: Byrne Faraday, Carl Caesar
49/50: Bikini, Kane Bullard
50: Jack Shipley, Misty Fey, Winfred Kitaki
51/52: Colin Devorae/Oliver Deacon, Robert Hammond
52/53: Ernest Amano
53: Chase Clink
54: Gregory Edgeworth, Nate Jiffy, Thomas Spitzer
54/55: Russell Berry
55: Yuri Cosmos
55/56: Dane Gustavia, Winston Payne, Yanni Yogi
56: Archie Buff, Marco Swindell
58/59: Pierre Hoquet
59: Jeffrey Master
59/60: Di-Jun Huang
61/62: Bonnie Young
62: Deid Mann, Taifu Toneido, Tyrell Badd
63/64: Zinc Lablanc
66: Sergio Youngport
67/68: Marvin Grossberg
68: Buck Wheatley
68/69: Damon Gant, Magnifi Gramarye, Manfred von Karma
69/70: Blaise Debeste, Victor Kudo
73/74: Quercus Alba
77: Ives Shineto
78: George Braden
79/80: Bruto Cadaverini
129/130: Iris Watson
131: Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond Ormstein
135/136: Nikomina Borschevic
136: Haori Murasame
137: Susato Mikotoba
138: Gina Lestrade
139: Maria Goullolyne
140: Viridian Green
141: Adam Redifast, Rola O’Malley
142: Duncan Ross
143: Patrick O’Malley, Decargo Mieterman
144: Kazuma Asōgi, Ryūnosuke Naruhodō
145: Jezail Brett, Marco di Gicho
146: Connette Rozaic, Maurice de Quilco, Nemmy Tinpillar
147: Robert Crogley, Tully Tinpillar
150/151: Satoru Hosonaga
151: William Petenshy
152/153: Sōseki Natsume
153: Barok van Zieks, Benjamin Dobinbough
154: Oscar Fairplay, Sherlock Holmes
155: Enoch Drebber
156: Anna Mittlemont
157/158: Mitrov Stroganov
158: Heita Mamemomi, Joan Garrideb, Mrs. Altamont
159: Courtney Sithe
159/160: Taizou Uzukumaru
160: Everyday Mittlemont
162: Rumba Marmatch
163: Klimt van Zieks, Seishirou Jigoku, Yūjin Mikotoba
165: Tobias Gregson
166: John Garrideb
167: Elyder Meningen
168: Cosney Megundal, Hatch Windibank
168/169: John Watson
171: Harry Barricade
172: Taketsuchi Auchi
173: Hart Vortex
174: Morar Milverton
182: Beppo
188/189: Sonmon Sonohigurashi
200/201: Alexandrina Victoria
Older: Ihmsan/Lady Kee’ra, the “Holy Mother”, Lang Zi
44 notes
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The 63rd BFI London Film Festival programme
As always, the BFI is throwing THE FESTIVAL with some of the most expected films in the line-up. NOT TO MISS :)
Directed by Armando Iannucci (The Death of Stalin)
Starring Dev Patel as David Copperfield, Tilda Swinton, Hugh Laurie, Peter Capaldi, Ben Whishaw, Paul Whitehouse and Gwendoline Christie
European Premiere
Directed by Martin Scorsese (Silence, The Departed)
Starring Academy Award® winners Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci
International Premiere
KNIVES OUT - American Express Gala
Directed by Rian Johnson
Starring Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Jamie Lee Curtis, Toni Colette, Katherine Langford and Christopher Plummer
European Premiere
THE AERONAUTS - The Mayor of London’s Gala
Directed by Tom Harber (Wild Rose)
Starring Academy Award® winner Eddie Redmayne and Academy Award® nominee Felicity Jones
Directed by Marielle Heller ( Can You Ever Forgive Me? )
Starring Academy Award® winner Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys.
GREED - Headline Gala
Directed by Michael Winterbottom (The Trip, The Wedding Guest)
Starring Steve Coogan as Richard ‘Greedy’ McCreadie, Isla Fisher, Shirley Henderson and David Mitchell
European Premiere
HOPE GAP - Headline Gala
Directed by William Nicholson (screenwriter of Les Miserables, Gladiator, Shadowlands)
Starring Annette Bening and Bill Nighy
JOJO RABBIT - Headline Gala
Directed by Taika Waititi (Boy, Hunt for the wilderpeople, Thor Ragnarok)
Starring Taika Waititi, Scarlett Johansson, Thomasin McKenzie (Leave no trace), Sam Rockwell, Rebel Wilson and Stephen Merchant.
European Premiere
THE KING - American Airlines Gala
Directed by David Michôd (Animal Kingdom, The Rover)
Starring Timothée Chalamet, Joel Edgerton, Lily-Rose Depp, Ben Mendelsohn, Robert Pattinson
UK Premiere
LE MANS’ 66 - Headline Gala
Directed by James Mangold (Logan)
Starring Matt Damon and Christian Bale
UK Premiere
MARRIAGE STORY - The May Fair Hotel Gala
Directed by Noah Baumbach (While We’re Young, Frances Ha)
Starring Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson
EMA - Festival Gala
Directed by Pablo Larraín (Jackie)
Starring Gael García Bernal, Mariana Di Girolamo
ABOMINABLE - Family Gala
Directed by Jill Culton and Todd Wilderman for Dreamworks
UK Premiere
BACURAU - Thrill Gala
Directed by Kleber Mendonça Filho (Neighbouring Sounds) and Juliano Dornelles
Winner of the Cannes Jury Prize 2019
THE DUDE IN ME - Laugh Gala
Directed by Hyo-jin Kang
JUDY & PUNCH - Dare Gala
Directed by Mirrah Foulkes
Starring Mia Wasikowska
Directed by Robert Eggers (the Sutherland Award-winning director of The Witch)
Starring Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe
Directed by Gavin Hood’s (Eye in the Sky)
Starring Keira Knightley, Matt Smith, Ralph Fiennes, Matthew Goode and Rhys Ifans.
In association with Malta Tourism Authority
Directed by Michael Schwartz and Tyler Nilson
UK Premiere
THE TWO POPES - Journey Gala
Directed by Fernando Meirelles (City of God, The Constant Gardener)
Starring Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Pryce
Co-directed by Thom Zimny and Bruce Springsteen
European Premiere
Eleven Special Presentations shine the spotlight on new work from major directors.
BAD EDUCATION in association with Empire - Directed by Cory Finley (Thoroughbreds) and starring Hugh Jackman and Allison Janney
BLACKBIRD - Directed by Roger Michell (Enduring Love, Le Week-End, Notting Hill)
BOMBAY ROSE Directed by debut director and screenwriter Gitanjali Rao
THE CAVE - Directed by Oscar-nominated Feras Fayyad’s (Last Men in Aleppo)
FIRST LOVE - Directed by Takashi Mike
GÖSTA - TV series directed by Swedish writer-director Lukas Moodysson
KRABI, 2562. - Experimenta Special Presentation - Directed by two award-winning directors Anocha Suwichakornpong and Ben Rivers
LOVE, LIFE AND LAUGHTER - Archive Special Presentation - starring Betty Balfour
OUR LADIES - Directed by Michael Caton-Jones (The Jackal, Basic Instinct 2)
PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE - BFI Flare Special Presentation in association with Sight & Sound - Directed by Céline Sciamma and starring Adele Haenel
ROCKS - Directed by Sarah Gavro (Brick Lane, Suffragette) - Starring Bukky Bakray, Kosar Ali and Shaneigha-Monik Greyson
FANNY LYE DELIVER’D, Thomas Clay’s intoxicating 17th Century drama with Maxine Peake in the title role
HONEY BOY, Alma Har’el’s artful and soul-baring examination of the lingering effects of emotional abuse, written by Shia LaBeouf, who stars alongside Lucas Hedges
LINGUA FRANCA, a beautifully performed character study of a Filipino transwoman and undocumented immigrant in Brooklyn, from writer/director Isabel Sandoval, who also takes on the lead role
LA LLORONA, Guatemalan director Jayro Bustamante’s taut genre-bending thriller about an elderly general haunted by a spectre of the past during his trial for genocide
MOFFIE, Oliver Hermanus’ haunting examination of the violent persecution of gay men under Apartheid
MONOS, a hallucinogenic, intoxicating thriller by Alejandro Landes about child soldiers high in the mountains of South America
THE OTHER LAMB, Małgorzata Szumowska’s beguiling, genre-tinged English-language debut examining life in an otherworldly cult
THE PERFECT CANDIDATE, Haifaa Al Mansour’s inspiring drama about a young doctor who becomes an electoral candidate to challenge Saudi Arabia’s strict social codes
ROSE PLAYS JULIE, an immersive and gripping drama from directing duo Christine Molloy and Joe Lawlor about a young woman seeking her biological mother
SAINT MAUD, the debut feature from director Rose Glass, in which a mysterious nurse becomes dangerously obsessed with saving the soul of her dying patient.
ATLANTICS (Dir. Mati Diop). A hypnotic, genre-shifting portrait of a girl’s awakening.
BABYTEETH (Dir. Shannon Murphy). A feverish Australian drama featuring a superb performance by breakout star Eliza Scanlen as Milla, a seriously ill teenage girl who falls madly in love with a young drug dealer.
CALM WITH HORSES (Dir. Nick Rowland). Cosmo Jarvis gives a visceral performance in Rowland’s gripping feature debut as Douglas, the hired muscle for a crime family in rural Ireland. A
HOUSE OF HUMMINGBIRD (Dir. Bora Kim). Announcing a bright new voice in South Korean cinema, Kim brings both humour and elegance to her autobiographical debut in this absorbing coming-of-age drama about teenager Eunhee and her dysfunctional Seoul family circa 1994.
INSTINCT (Dir. Halina Reijn). Carice van Houten plays respected clinical psychologist Nicoline, who after starting a new job at a penal institution finds herself flirting with danger in her sessions with inmate Idris.
THE LAST BLACK MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO (Dir. Joe Talbot). Jimmie dreams of reclaiming the beautiful late 19th-century home his grandfather built, before hard times and changing demographics forced his family out.
MAKE UP (Dir. Claire Oakley). A riveting psycho-sexual drama in which teenager Ruth travels to a seaside holiday park to stay with her boyfriend Tom, and one day finds evidence he might be cheating on her.
RELATIVITY (Dir. Mariko Minoguchi). It is love at first sight when Nora and Aaron first meet on a rainy day in an underground station, but Aaron’s fate takes a dramatic turn and changes Nora’s life in an instant.
SCALES (Dir. Shahad Ameen). A visually resplendent tale set in a small Gulf fishing village, where the population live in thrall to the otherworldly creatures of the sea.
The BFI London Film Festival will celebrate international cinema from the 2nd to the 13th of October.
An advice, don’t miss it ;)
#news#line up#festival#bfi#bfi london film festival#martin scorsese#headline galas#the king#timothée chamalet#marriage story#adam driver#Scarlett Johansson#jojo rabbit#taika waititi#the irishman#le mans' 66#ford vs ferrari#christian bale#knives out#daniel craig#the aeronauts#felicity jones#the lighthouse#robert pattinson#willem dafoe#bruce springsteen#official secrets#Keira Knightley#hope gap#annette bening
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Rock You Like A Hurricane
Stripper!Billy Hargrove x Reader
Summary: On the whims of a drunk group of bridesmaids and the bride to be, you went to Studz and found your own Romeo...too bad you already knew him.
Word Count: 2,772
Warnings: swearing, drinking, sexy dancing (is that a warning? idk), minor sexual implications it’s not graphic and i’m a little baby at this so be gentle with me
Author’s note: so did I reach 1.2k? No, but Tumblr is trying to censor safe sexuality and I want to see how far I can go writing wise before I start making plans. If this gets flagged, I will make an AO3 and give y’all the user so we can keep getting weird, ya know? Anyway, hope you like this mess! I tried 😫😫😫
Permanent Tag: @hotstuffhargrove @hargrovesgoldilocks @denimjacketkisses @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @casaharrington @moonstruckhargrove (you ain’t usually on this tag but...I LOVE YOU AND WANT YOUR LOVE) @thechickvic @alex--awesome--22
Your cousin Elizabeth was getting married. Twenty-three years old, barely out of college, and engaged to the richest guy you knew. Your mother was never going to let you hear the end of it. You and her were the same age and practically grew up together and your mother believed that she was the standard every girl should live to. She was pretty, decently smart, and popular. She was a high school cheerleader, an honour roll student; she volunteered at animal shelters and had just graduated from college with a degree social work. You were a mediocre student, a college dropout, and, thus far, a failed actress. You were a failure of a daughter and your mother had seemingly given up on you.
So when Elizabeth asked you to be one of her bridesmaids, your mother wouldn’t hear the end of it unless you said yes. You agreed, begrudgingly, dropping too much money on a magenta taffeta nightmare to wear once and answered every upset phone call from the anxious bride to be. You had been given the highly important role of planning the bachelorette party. Naturally, the large hoard of rich North-eastern girls were only coming to you for this because you lived in LA and they were ready to bask in the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, refusing to believe that you didn’t actually live at its centre. And so Elizabeth dragged Vivian, Olivia, Kimmy, Maria, and Amber to your shit hole apartment and tried to not complain about it or your plans, although they were already over it and you before the clock struck eight.
You had decided on one thing and one thing only-you would not take them to a strip club. You’d go anywhere else-tourist traps, filthy clubs and bars- you’d even sneak them onto a movie set if it meant the whole thing would be over sooner. Just no strip clubs.
And you didn’t take them to one. Elizabeth’s maid of honour, Vivian, dragged you all out to the nearest club, advertising the hottest guys in town. You were forced into what was perceived as the hottest dress you owned, a short neon nightmare you bought in college, and pushed out the door despite your pleas. You didn’t want to be in a grimy strip club, certainly not with your cousin and her bridesmaids, all various degrees of drunk.
And Studz was not a nice club. If you had wanted to take them to a club, you would’ve taken them to a Chippendale’s, it would have at least been cleaner and a bit busier. Inside the dingy club, with its sticky tables and tiny stage, you were one of three occupied tables. Vivian had chosen a table at the front of the stage, a prime location for viewing the milk crates the club was calling a stage, but the other two parties seemed intriguing.
One was filled with what you could only assume were regulars, an intriguing mix of tough looking women with buzz cuts and sour expressions guarding a trio of grinning, excited boys each with their own sense of style, all of which your mother would’ve called feminine or, as politely as she could, queer, and your father would’ve called…well, you wouldn’t use that word.
The other table was a group of nervous looking women, all old enough to have children old enough to at least in middle school and surrounded by tall orange drinks, which you’d guess were ‘Sex on the Beach’es, knowing the fruity gradient well enough from the drunk barely-legals who came to your bar. They all seemed awkward and embarrassed, the same feeling you felt sitting in the dark room where drinks were twice as expensive and the music blared in your ears. You might’ve been able to handle it if you weren’t forcefully decked out in bachelorette party gear bought angrily by Olivia, peeved that you hadn’t bought any for the group. You had on a white sash which read in glittery pink text ‘I’m the single one’, advertising you like a prime piece of real-estate and not a broke loser. You felt silly and sad, you wished you had just put your foot down and said no. But still you stayed, nursing an insanely overpriced jack and coke through a penis shaped straw, listening as the girls chattered on.
“So anyway, Y/N, this is how you throw a bachelorette party! We want Lizzie to be surrounded by insanely hot dudes for one more night before she ties Stevie down forever. One last night of sexy adventures for our gorgeous bride to be!” Vivian declared cockily, pointing at the giggling Elizabeth, already drunk from the giant Cosmo in front of her and the five jello shots she’d taken at your apartment, the one thing you’d done right so it seemed.
“Whatever you say…” you muttered, rolling your eyes as you spun the melting ice around in your glass. Suddenly, the lights in the bar dimmed impossibly further and the stage lights flashed on, first in a spinning disco ball of bright rainbow coloured lights.
“Alright ladies, let’s give a big welcome to Armando!” the announcer slash bartender called from the microphone on the rail, barely looking up from his copy of Proust. You clapped politely as the bridesmaids cheered, though not as loud as the mismatched table, where the boys of the group lit up like Christmas trees and hollered loudly. The sultry, sticky sounds of Def Leopard’s Pour Some Sugar on Me blasted from the speakers. A larger man with a beautiful tan stepped on stage. He wasn’t exactly rippling in muscles, but he was fit and his fade was lined up nicely. He was dressed as a construction worker, complete with a hard hat. He looked confident, but you could see the Vaseline he’d used to define and brighten his abs caking in between the muscles; most men would’ve used baby oil, but he was trying to appear fitter than he actual was and the trick seemed to work, Kimmy, Elizabeth’s childhood best friend was already openly drooling over him.
His set was awkward and jerky, you were certain it was one of his first shows, and he tended to rely on pelvic thrusts instead of a variety of moves. When the bar cut the song, you were able to count the money he’d earned sitting sadly on the stage floor.
The rest of the numbers were about the same. Next came Carlos, who the back table seemed to be a big fan of. One of the boys, decked in a bedazzled muscle tank, screamed out “I love you Carlos!” in a feminine voice with a slight Puerto Rican accent, clapping above his head. Then Julian, Stefan, Emilio, and Cole all decked out in various ‘sexy’ outfits; poor Emilio was stuck in a weak Native American costume as though he was a member of The Village People. The whole thing was embarrassing and awkward but as Elizabeth and her friends got drunker and drunker, they seemed to enjoy it more and more. Poor Maria had seemingly fallen in love with Stefan and, after running a shaky hand over his greasy, hairless chest, declared that she wanted to have his baby and spent all her cash on him. When he didn’t come around after his set, she pouted and drank more to fill the void.
Then, everything got improbably darker. At one point, Vivian had snuck off to talk to the emcee and returned with a smug, proud smile, which worried you. You were the only sober person left in the group and thus the babysitter of the girls, watching drinks and keeping hold of those drunk enough to pounce on a dancer.
“There’s a bachelorette party in the house!” the emcee called, earning polite claps from the other tables and hoots and hollers from the girls surrounding you. “Well, we have a treat for you! Welcome to the stage, Romeo!”
First, in the darkness, someone brought out a chair and when the lights came up again, The Divinyl’s I Touch Myself began to blast out of the speakers and out from the sparkling red curtains came a man dressed in leather chaps, the most attractive of the group. His back was to the audience, his muscular legs and butt on full display, his right hand reaching up to the microphone descending from the ceiling, taking it easily.
“I’d like to invite the lovely bride to be up for a dance.” He said huskily and your heart stopped. You knew that voice, it stuck in your brain like a thorn. Billy Hargrove. You should’ve recognized him from the still present mullet. But how could you? Why on earth would you believe him to be anywhere near you, in the Valley of all places? Elizabeth was being forced to her feet by Vivian; this was obviously her master plan from the start to give her dear friend one last thrill.
But this thrill was unwanted, as it seemed. Elizabeth was trying very hard to force her thin wrsit out of Vivian’s grasp and begging anyone nearby to help. Naturally, you jumped into action, pulling Vivian away from her.
“Y/N! Y/N I can’t do it! I don’t wanna cheat on Stevie! I don’t wanna do this!” she cried, tears welling in her bright green eyes. You nodded, taking her hand, and squeezing it in your own.
“Okay, okay sit down you don’t have to. We’ll go home, okay? We’ll go, just calm down.” You said sternly as she nodded, teary eyed.
“Don’t ruin the fun, Y/N.” Vivian said crossly, scoffing at Elizabeth’s tears. “Here, if you’re so hell bent on being the centre of attention, you go.” Before you could even try to retort her idea, you were being pushed to the stage the girls were screaming with delight. Billy was looking down at you with a smirk and a hand extended to you. When your nervous expression met his confident leer, his smirk dropped away.
He recognized you.
You and Billy weren’t exactly friends in high school. He’d come to Hawkins, Indiana in your second last year of high school and joined your graduating class with all the anger and hatred of a boy forced out of his home. He took that anger out on anyone who didn’t play his games and you weren’t one to play along. It was all because you wouldn’t do the entire English project you’d been assigned his partner for. You wanted to split the work even, he wanted to do nothing and get a great grade. In the end, he got a shit grade and tormented you for the rest of high school. It wasn’t as bad as what he did to nerdier kids, who’d get pushed around and the shit kicked out of them for the entire year while he was there. Your torment matched Steve Harrington’s; sure he mostly left you alone, but he definitely made his mark on your mind. He called you Blow Pop for a whole year, based on the baseless rumour that you’d sucked off your gym teacher, Mr. Carlson, who while being a young, hot man was a notoriously easy marker and not worth sleeping with to get a good grade. Although in retrospect, that was probably the kicker of the whole rumour. Your reputation was ruined for the rest of school and even now the kids of Hawkins, now adults, still knew you as Blow Pop.
And you hated him for it, the whole thing left a sour taste in your mouth. He was so hot, you noted it the second he arrived, but his attitude was so awful that it ruined the rest of him. And once you were Blow Pop, you lost all interest in him, no matter how tight his jeans were.
You wanted to run, but you couldn’t abandon the drunken girls cheering you on, so you used his hand to pull yourself onstage and saunter over to the chair. “Well, come on Romeo, give me a show.” You said through a gritted smile, taking your seat in the chair. Billy nodded, matching your uncomfortable expression.
He started into his number, pulling off his ridiculous leather vest, throwing it offstage and revealing more of his well oiled chest. He rolled his body, running a hand up his chest and through his hair, running his tongue over his lips with a smirk. You watched the girls as they hollered, sticking dollar bills into the waistband of his chaps, lapping up his attention. This continued for most of the song, thrusting and grinding into the open air, ripping off the legs of this chaps, revealing his black jockstrap and earning whoops from the whole bar. You wanted to laugh at the whole scene, to find it awful and gross, and it kind of was; here was this guy who ruled your high school dancing in front of you for cash. But mostly, it was hot. Like, really, really hot. He was honestly too good at this, it made the back of your neck sweat and your nerves burst into flames. You mind ran wildly with dirty images and thoughts you couldn’t get away from if you tried; rationale wasn’t quelling the fire he’d lit in your stomach. He only turned back to you when the coda hit, lip-syncing along with the words. He rolled his lips over yours, straddling you gently and running his hands over your arms, bringing your hands to touch his chest and abs.
“This is really weird…” you muttered, more to yourself than him, letting your smile drop away into a look you hoped didn’t come off as completely lustful and desperate, hoping he’d either stop or finally touch you. Of course, he did neither.
“It’ll be over soon, just till the last chorus, then you’re free.” He replied softly, thrusting into you gently. “Just touch my abs, it’ll give your friends something to laugh about and earn me better tips.”
You obeyed, running a hand over him as he got up, coming behind you to give this look of longing in your reach. You let out a heated sigh, which was mostly fake, letting your head lull to the side as you sighed, earning a scream from Elizabeth, who’d long stopped crying.
“You’re really sticky.” You whispered and you swore for a brief moment, Billy broke, his smirk turning into a tiny smile he was working hard to hold back. He came back around, pulling your hands to rest on his hips as he went back to thrusting and wriggling. You chuckled “And you’re wearing glittery eyeliner, what a treat I’m getting today.” Just as he was about to stand, the song coming to an end, you ran your ring finger up his spine. He shivered involuntarily, his gaze coming back down to you, quirking his eyebrow.
Billy didn’t like that you were here. He didn’t like that he was dancing on you. And he certainly didn’t like how absolutely gorgeous you’d become. Sure, he remembered you well enough from high school, but if he hadn’t? He probably would’ve taken you home and screwed your brains out. It left this uneasy tension for the whole dance. Usually, he’d focus on the bride to be, but with you being so…different and obviously not being the bride herself, he found himself keeping a distance to keep him professional. But he couldn’t stop the shiver when you touched him on your own. And you noticed, you smirked at him liked you’d found some secret trick. He wanted so badly to wipe that smirk off your lips.
You shrugged easily as he looked at you curiously, standing as the song ended and pulling the wad of dollar bills Amber had given you from your bra, handing it to him easily as you walked off. You jumped off the stage, grinning as your fellow bridesmaids screamed, coming to hug you and grab your arm, declaring that he was so hot.
“Come on girls, my hands are all sticky now, let’s get out of here.” You said, pulling your purse off the back of the chair, walking off towards the exit. For a brief moment, you looked back, desperate for another look.
Billy was already gone, much to your disappointment, it was as though you’d dreamt him and you’d wake up at home drenched in sweat and soaked. He might as well have puffed into a cloud of smoke and glitter and vanished, the chair was gone too. But you knew it happened. And you felt so stupid-you’d just been played by a stripper.
#stranger things#stranger things 2#stranger things fanfiction#stranger things au#stranger things imagine#billy hargrove#billy hargrove x reader#billy hargrove x you#billy hargrove au#billy hargrove imagine#billy hargrove imagines#billy hargrove aus#billy hargrove headcanon#billy hargrove headcanons#dacre montgomery#billy x reader#billy x you#reader fanfiction#billy x y/n#billy hargrove x y/n#feedback appreciated
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Reconoce Gobernador a los arquitectos como pilar en el desarrollo de Querétaro
En el marco del Día del Arquitecto, el gobernador Francisco Domínguez Servién, aseguró que el éxito del estado es resultado de la suma de voluntades y del esfuerzo de la ciudadanía en conjunto con el sector privado y la sociedad civil, quienes día a día consolidan a la entidad como un referente nacional. Durante su presentación enfatizó que nuestro estado es una obra en permanente construcción; haciendo una analogía, destacó cuatro pilares fundamentales que dan certidumbre a al rumbo de la entidad: Estado de Derecho, Desarrollo Económico, Desarrollo Social y Medio Ambiente. En este sentido, Domínguez Servién enfatizó que el Estado de Derecho que mantiene Querétaro es reconocido en todo el país, en el cual se respeta la ley y la justicia al igual que los derechos humanos de las y los queretanos.
"Son los cimientos del respeto a la ley y del fortalecimiento institucional, la tranquilidad sólo retornará si ofrecemos justicia con la ley, por ello defendemos Querétaro con toda la fuerza del estado", dijo. Actualmente, Querétaro es el 5º lugar nacional en fortalecimiento y respeto al estado de derecho, de acuerdo al Índice de Estado de Derechos en México 2018; también es el 6º lugar en percepción de seguridad en el país según la Encuesta Nacional de Victimización y Percepción sobre Seguridad Pública (ENVIPE); y por segundo año consecutivo el Modelo Cosmos Querétaro ha sido el mejor evaluado del país en justicia penal acusatoria.
El mandatario estatal informó que el desarrollo económico que registra el estado año con año refleja un crecimiento sostenido por arriba de la media nacional; resultado que se refleja en el ambiente próspero y pacífico del sector laboral queretano. "Durante los últimos 5 años nos hemos ubicado los queretanos en tercer lugar nacional en crecimiento económico con un promedio del 4.9 por ciento (…); somos líderes en Inversión Extranjera Directa de todo el Bajío (…), ocupamos el segundo lugar de crecimiento de empleo formal", expresó.
Asimismo, el jefe del Poder Ejecutivo enfatizó que la actual administración ha llevado a cabo programas y proyectos que impulsan el desarrollo social de los 18 municipios del estado, promoviendo así el sano esparcimiento y desarrollo social en las familias queretanas. "Querétaro es el ejecutor de obra educativa número uno del país del programa nacional de mejora de infraestructura, y estamos construyendo una obra educativa por cada día hábil del año", mencionó.
A la fecha se han entregado 50 nuevos espacios deportivos totalmente equipados en la entidad queretana, así como 4 circuitos y 5 conexiones en la Sierra Gorda que conectan a más de 300 comunidades en los municipios de Jalpan de Serra, Pinal de Amoles, Arroyo Seco y Landa de Matamoros; también se pusieron en marcha 6 Sistemas Múltiples de Agua Potable que nos permitirán regularizar la dotación de calidad a más de 36 mil habitantes de 101 comunidades de Arroyo Seco, Landa de Matamoros, Jalpan de Serra, Pinal de Amoles y Peñamiller. Acciones que en dos años consiguieron que 56 mil personas abandonaron la pobreza en el estado y 18 mil más la pobreza extrema, esto de acuerdo al Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social (CONEVAL).
En materia del medio ambiente, Francisco Domínguez señaló que se realizan trabajos puntuales para asegurar una calidad de vida óptima, en donde la sociedad respete y aprenda a convivir con la naturaleza. "Ante todo, nuestro futuro como sociedad. Trabajamos para cuidar el patrimonio natural de las y los queretanos (…), hoy somos ya el primer lugar nacional en manejo de residuos, se redujo del 18 al 3 por ciento los gases de efecto invernadero generados en basureros", declaró.
De igual forma, indicó que más del 75 por ciento de los autobuses que circulan en la zona metropolitana funcionan con gas natural, con lo que se evita la emisión de casi 100 mil toneladas de dióxido de carbono al año. En su intervención, el presidente del XXIV Consejo Directivo del Colegio de Arquitectos del Estado de Querétaro, Miguel Armando Medina Lanuza, reconoció el trabajo del gobierno estatal y refrendó el apoyo del Colegio por colaborar a favor de las y los queretanos.
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